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Student Health Services Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the Health Services free?

    Yes, Medical and Tele-medical, Dental, Vision and Tele-Mental Health Counseling are free to students who paid the Student Health Service fee at registration each semester or term.  Qualified students must have a voucher issued to them and provide their AVC Student ID 900#.

  • What does a currently enrolled student need to do to access services?  Please contact Student Health Services by emailing studenthealth@avc.edu or going to https://www.avc.edu/studentservices/health for all the information you need to get connected to services.
  • What health services are available? Currently Vision, Medical, Tele-medical and Tele-mental health counseling
  • Telemedicine services are available and some in-office services following COVID-19 protocols are offered through Summit Urgent Care
    • Evaluation and counseling for individual health problems
    • Family planning and gynecological health care for women
    • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) information
    • Preparation and maintenance of medical records
    • First Aid
    • Blood Pressure screenings
    • Immunizations
    • Elective physical exams
    • Pap smears
    • TB skin test
    • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing
  • Are there Emergency Services?

There are NO EMERGENCY SERVICES.  If you have an emergency call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. 

  • Are there any other medical services not provided?
  • Emergency services of any kind
  • Treatment of major illnesses, injuries, or accidents that require either hospitalization or long-term follow-up
  • After hours care or on call services
  • Are personal mental health services available?

    Yes, Tele-mental health counseling appointments are available through TimelyMD by accessing services at timely care Telehealth for AVC Students. Tele-mental health counseling services are available 24/7/365 and are free to students.  Please visit https://www.avc.edu/studentservices/health for more information. 

  • What about confidentiality?

Information will not be released to anyone (including faculty, staff, or parents) without the written consent of the students except as provided by law or in the case of a life threating emergency.

  • Do you have dental services?  Yes! All currently enrolled students are eligible for free dental services. Please email studenthealth@avc.edu and request a voucher for free x-rays, exam and cleaning.  

  • What is covered?   X-rays, Exam and Cleaning! 

  • What do I need to do to access Vision services?  Email Student Health Services at studenthealth@avc.edu to request a  vision voucher. You must to be currently enrolled in classes, provide your AVC 900# and AVC email. A voucher number will be emailed to you with instructions for making an appointment.   At the time of your appointment, present your authorized voucher from Student Health (required for treatment) and picture ID. Vision services are provided at Wallis Family Eye Care.