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Language & Communication Arts

English - ENGL

English - ENGL

"English" includes the study of reading, writing, and literature. Reading and writing are skills absolutely essential to success in college or on the job. The study of literature is valuable in developing critical reading and thinking skills, acquainting students with a vital element of their cultural heritage, and fostering intellectual growth and maturity. Writing courses range from essay composition to creative writing to technical writing. The literature program provides survey courses in English, American and World Literature; studies in fiction; and courses that explore culture and ethnic diversity, such as African American literature.


Composition courses help develop students’ writing skills for academic writing, but just as importantly, for the job market. Students are encouraged to take required English courses early in their academic experience to gain a solid foundation for all other college courses. Composition courses teach essential skills such as critical thinking, organization, research, documentation, and academic conventions. AVC offers composition courses for students who are here to complete a transfer degree, a certificate program, or just to improve their writing skills


Literature courses provide students with an understanding of language and culture and develop critical reading and thinking skills. Our literature classes are vigorous and intense, often discussion-based and focused on transmitting core literary theories and encouraging provocative thought. Ranging from survey courses to specialized courses, a variety of course options are offered that will appeal to all interests.

Creative Writing

AVC offers a robust and intensive creative writing sequence, with each course aimed at helping entry-level writers find a voice, navigate the pleasures and expectations of genre, and become able to move from invention to revision to publication. Previous AVC students have won grants, published books, and been accepted into the top writing programs in the country. Many of the teaching staff are award-winning writers themselves, and our workshop-based approach is enhanced by guest speakers and nationally-famous visiting writers.

If you have any questions about the English degree or program, please contact the department chair:

Heidi Williams
661-722-6300, ext. 6779

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