Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer
The Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer (AA-T in Sociology) ensures that students have a pathway to transfer into the California State University (CSU) system to complete a baccalaureate degree in the Sociology major. AA-T in Sociology offers students a fundamental understanding of the field of Sociology and its various sub-fields, including social research methods, demographics, criminology, ethnic relations, family relations, the study of social problems, and the impact of drug policy on society. Additionally, students will gain knowledge through the application of the sociological perspective to their personal lives and contemporary social issues.
The Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer (AA-T in Sociology) degree meets the requirements of SB 1440 for Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT). These degrees are intended to make it easier for students to transfer to California State University campuses, but do not exclude admittance to other colleges or universities.