Child Development Center: CDC Policies & Procedures
- Absences Policy
- Admission Policy
- Appealing Dismissals Policy
- Birthday Policy
- Children's Files Policy
- Clothing Policy
- Conferences
- Delivery & Pick Up of Child Policy
- Discipline/Guidance Policy
- Emergency Procedure
- Health Policy
- Late Pick Up of Child Policy
- Medicine Policy
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Potty Training
- Refund Policy
- Religious Instruction
- Termination Policy
- Toys Policy
- Tuition Policy
- Waiting List Policy
- Withdrawal Policy
Absences Policy
Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for notifying the Child Development Center, by phone, if the child is to be absent. The specific illness or reason for the absence is required for our records. Children having an absence of five (5) consecutive days without notification risk being dismissed. If the child has extended absence for any reason, it is important that you “keep in touch” by telephoning the Center every 2 or 3 days.
Excused absences are illness or quarantine of child, or parent, or siblings, medical and dental appointments, family emergency*, court ordered visitations (copy of order required on file at the CDC), or a reason which is clearly in the “best interest” of the child (CBD/Child Benefit Day). **
* Absences for “family emergency” includes death in family, serious illness or hospitalization in extended family, personal environmental disaster (e.g., fire, earthquake, etc.), personal problematic event (e.g., burglary, auto accident, etc.), and car/transportation problems.
** Absences for reasons “Clearly in the best interest of the child” (CBD/Child Benefit Day) include travel, visiting relatives, spending the day with parent, child guidance for behavioral concerns, and other activities determined by the staff and parent/guardian to benefit the child physically, emotionally or cognitively, as well as economic benefit of either the child or parent/guardian. Child Benefit Days are limited to ten (10) per fiscal year.
Parents are required to call school at 722-6500 and inform the staff member or leave a voice message informing the school of the child’s absence and the specific reason for absence. If a child is ill for more than five (5) consecutive days, a note from the doctor is required to excuse child’s absence.
Any absences other than the ones mentioned above are “Unexcused.” If unexcused absences become habitual the child risks being dismissed. Five (5) unexcused absences per semester constitute grounds for termination of services. Termination may be appealed to the Dean of the Child Development Center and will follow procedures on the Notice of Action.
Admission Policy
State Preschool
The top priority in admission is given to the children eligible for state preschool, which follows admission policies and procedures of Title 5 California Code of Regulations, Section 18133 for enrollment of children over three years of age. There are no fees collected for state preschool children.
Tuition based preschool
Admission to the tuition-based program is on a “first come first serve” basis. Children of the students, staff, and faculty have a priority over the community.
Appealing Dismissal Policy
Dismissals may be appealed to the Dean of the Child Development Center. All appeals must be made in writing and submitted within five (5) days of dismissal. The appeal should list all reasons deemed appropriate for possible reversal of the dismissal decision. Within ten (10) working days of receiving the appeal, the Dean will rule on the request.
Birthday Policy
If you wish to provide a nutritious snack on your child’s birthday, please notify the teacher a week in advance so that he/she may plan the curriculum accordingly. Homemade food items are not allowed; only store-packaged items will be accepted.
Please do not distribute party invitations in the classroom, unless you are inviting the whole class. It is very hurtful to the children who are not included, please be sensitive to this issue. If you bring the invitations to the front desk, we will be glad to give them to the individual children you wish to invite.
Children's Files Policy
The use or disclosure of financial or other information concerning children or families will be limited to purposes directly connected to the CDC program. No other use of this information may be made without the parent’s prior written consent. Legal parents/guardians shall have access to all information contained in their own child’s individual file.
Clothing Policy
Please dress your child in comfortable, washable play clothes. In order to encourage self-confidence and independence, please choose clothing that allows the child to remove it easily (to go the bathroom) and that allows him/her to participate in “messy play” without fear of getting dirty. Children will get dirty at the Center from time to time. Also, tennis shoes or rubber-soled shoes are best for running and playing and help avoid injury during play. Children may wear open-toe sandals as long as they have a strap in the back.
Please label any clothing to prevent loss (e.g., jackets, sweaters, hats, etc.).
Be sure to send an extra set of clothes in a labeled, plastic zip-lock bag. Make sure the clothing sent is weather appropriate. Please include socks, underwear, a shirt, and pants. We ask that you periodically check the extra clothing to make sure it fits the needs of your growing child, and replace clothes that have been used. Finding an empty bag can cause a considerable degree of frustration for both the child and the staff. If your child is being potty trained we need to have 3 (three) sets of change clothes at all times.
A conference, to report on your child’s progress, is held with your child’s teacher in the fall and spring semesters. The teacher and the parent/guardian will discuss the growth and development of the child so that they can work together toward meeting these goals. However, if you have any concerns at any time, please contact your child’s teacher or the director to schedule a conference appointment. The Child Development Center staff may also initiate a conference should the need arise.
Delivery & Pick Up of Child Policy
Signing the child in and out each day with a full signature by the parent/guardian is a state law requirement. A child will be released ONLY to a person designated by the parent/guardian on the Identification and Emergency Form. Exceptions may be made if the director is notified in writing by the parent/guardian. The front office personnel will request a valid ID card. Anyone delivering or picking up the child must sign in and out.
Discipline/Guidance Policy
The CDC strives to help each child learn and use appropriate behavior. A safe and nurturing environment where teachers and staff model appropriate behaviors and where a child is respected as an individual enhances each child’s well-being. Positive redirection is used to help guide your child’s behavior. We do not believe in effectiveness of time out for this age, however, if we feel that a child’s behavior is dangerous to the other children we will remove the child from the classroom into the office for a “cool-off/reflection” time. Efforts will be made to work cooperatively with the parent/guardian of the child to help him/her learn how certain behaviors are inappropriate. In situations when the child’s behavior disrupts the normal functioning of the program to the extent that needs one-on-one supervision at all times, such as hurting other children or staff, the child will be withdrawn from the program (See Termination Policy).
Emergency Procedure
In case of serious illness or injury, the Center staff will make an immediate attempt to contact you. If we can’t reach you we will call persons you had authorized to be called in case of an emergency. If necessary, we will also call an ambulance or paramedics. The parent/guardian shall assume responsibility for any resultant expense. Please make sure we have current information needed to contact you in the event of an emergency, as well as the current release and permission form.
Health Policy
Please notify the Child Development Center early in the day if your child is to be absent.
Your child SHOULD NOT be brought to the Center if she/he:
- Has a fever or had one during the previous 48 hours
- Has signs of a cold – cough, sore throat, watery eyes, heavy
nasal discharge or colored mucous – or has had a cold for less
than four (4) days - Has a persistent cough
- Has a rash, lice or nits
- Has an eye infection
- Is vomiting or has diarrhea
- Is fussy, cranky and generally “out of sorts”
- Is just tired (rest can prevent development of serious illness)
- Has any symptoms of possible communicable disease (this
may include sniffles, reddened eyes, sore throat, headache,
abdominal pain, fever etc.) Please notify the Center at
once upon learning that the child does have a communicable
Do not give children any medications to mask these or any other symptoms.
Children may only attend the Child Development Center if they are able to
participate in ALL activities, including outdoor play that often requires
playing with water.
Children who have been ill should not return to the Child Development Center until they are free of symptoms for at least 48 hours; or after they have been on any prescribed medication for 48 hours. Re-admission is at the discretion of the teacher, staff, or the director. Additionally, in some cases, a doctor’s statement may be required prior to re-admission.
If your child has been exposed to a communicable disease (such as chicken pox, ringworm, etc.) at the Child Development Center, we will post notification in the classroom, as soon as possible, to help you recognize the symptoms of the illness.
Late Pick Up of Child Policy
A penalty of $1.00 per minute will be charged for each minute the child remains under CDC staff supervision past the assigned pick up time. (11:30 am for the morning session and 4:15 pm for the afternoon session). Late pick up fees must be paid prior to the child’s return to school. Failure to pay the penalty assessed may result in the child being withdrawn from the program. Children are not allowed to be dropped off prior to their session. Parents are encouraged to wait in the lobby and not in front of the classrooms because this disrupts the normal routine of the morning session.
After 5 minutes have passed beyond the assigned pickup time, unless notified otherwise, the CDC staff shall assume that an emergency has arisen which prevents the child from being picked up by the parent/guardian. Upon this determination, the director, or a designated staff member, will attempt to contact the individual (s) indicated on the Identification and Emergency Form. Failing to resolve the difficulty with the individuals listed on the form, or the parent/guardian, will result in the director, or a designated staff member, notifying the appropriate authorities necessary to have the child safely removed from the CDC.
Medicine Policy
Because of the responsibility that giving medicine places on staff, the CDC will need a medical release form from the parent/guardian in order to administer any medication. This applies to non-prescription as well as prescription medication. Please make sure medication is brought in a labeled, childproof container. The medical release form should be obtained at the front desk and the completed form and medication should be left with staff member in the office.
The label on the medication bottle should include the following:
- Name of the child.
- Name of the medication.
- Times it is to be given to the child.
- The amount of medication to be administered as prescribed by the child’s physician if prescription medication.
We encourage parents to inform us of potential side effects of the medication.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The CDC is operated on a non-discriminatory basis and gives equal treatment and access to services without regard to gender, sex, race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, ethnic group orientation, age, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.
Potty Training
Children should be completely potty trained by the time they are moved to rooms 106, 108, 112. We will work with you to accomplish this while they are in 102 room. However, a lot of extra clothing and your cooperation are needed for this to be a success.
Refund Policy
There is no refund or reduction for absence due to illness. Since maintaining the health of all the children is a major consideration, the Child Development Center staff conducts daily health checks for signs of illness. If your child appears to have symptoms of illness, he/she will immediately be isolated from the other children and you will be contacted.
Religious Instruction
The Child Development Center as a state-funded program will refrain from religious instruction or worship.
Termination Policy
The following circumstances are cause for termination of a child’s enrollment:
- Not following policies as developed by the Child Development Center.
- Disrupting the normal functioning of the office, classroom, or any Center function will result in immediate termination of services, e.g:
- Disturbing behaviors (not following rules, throwing objects, hitting,
kicking, biting, scratching, pinching, fighting, using foul language). - Disrupting the class to the extent that the child requires one-on-one
interaction. - Causing a hazard to other children and adults, as well as to him/herself.
- Causing unsafe conditions and unsafe interactions with children and adults.
- Destruction of the environment.
- Disturbing behaviors (not following rules, throwing objects, hitting,
- Three (3) failures to pick-up the child on time.
- Two (2) failures to make payments on time.
- Failure to report class/job/phone number changes (The CDC staff must be able to locate the parent/guardian in the event of an emergency).
- Failure to provide the child’s immunization record and the physician report.
- Failure to sign and/or return all enrollments documents, including Infant Needs and Services Plan.
- Three (3) failures to sign the child in/out.
- Three (3) failures to call in child absences.
- It is judged that the child is emotionally or socially unprepared to cope with his/her attendance at the Child Development Center.
- The director and staff have determined that the child cannot effectively benefit in this particular environment.
- Payments that are one (1) month overdue will result in IMMEDIATE
termination of services.
Toys Policy
Toys from home are not part of the Child Development Center curriculum. A toy brought to school can often generate conflict and competition among the children. Toys can also be lost or broken. Therefore, toys from the child’s home are not allowed at the Center.
Tuition Policy
Tuition charges include holidays when the school is not in session.
Waiting List Policy
A waiting list is maintained for one semester only. Upon admission, parents need to re-enroll their child (ren) for each semester. Notices will be posted in the classrooms and hallways.
Withdrawal Policy
A two-week written notice addressed to the CDC director is required to withdraw a child from the CDC program. Parents of tuition-based programs are responsible for the contracted rate for these two weeks, whether our services were rendered or not.