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Health Services

AVC Students,

If you think you need help and need to talk, you can utilize TimelyCare Telehealth TalkNow for AVC Students. TalkNow is free, 24/7/365, on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at any time. Students can choose to have 12 sessions per year with the same certified licensed counselor at no cost. 

Click here to register for and access telehealth services. You can then have visits from any web-enabled device throughout the United States – smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You must use your legal name as listed in Banner to create a profile. You may then change to a preferred name. Please call TimelyCare Customer Support at (833) 484-6359 if you are looking for a therapist that meets your specific criteria, so you get the right support for you.

Suicide and Suicidal Thoughts

Suicide is a tragic reaction to stressful life situations - and all the more tragic because suicide can be prevented. Whether you're considering suicide or know someone who feels suicidal, learn suicide warning signs and how to reach out for immediate help and professional treatment. You may save a life - your own or someone else's.

It may seem like there's no way to solve your problems and that suicide is the only way to end the pain. But you can take steps to stay safe - and start enjoying your life again.

If you're feeling suicidal, or someone you care about is in a life-threatening situation – call 911 immediately.

If you have suicidal thoughts, but you aren't immediately thinking of hurting yourself:

  • Reach out to a close friend or a loved one - even though it may be hard to talk about your feelings
  • Contact a minister, spiritual leader or someone in your faith community
  • Call a suicide hotline (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255)
  • Make an appointment with your doctor, other health care provider or mental health provider

Suicidal thinking doesn't get better on its own - so get help.

  • Get the treatment you need. If you don't treat the underlying cause, your suicidal thoughts are likely to return. You may feel embarrassed to seek treatment for mental health problems, but getting the right treatment for depression, substance misuse or another underlying problem will make you feel better about life - and help keep you safe.
  • Establish your support network. It may be hard to talk about suicidal feelings, and your friends and family may not fully understand why you feel the way you do. Reach out anyway, and make sure the people who care about you know what's going on and are there when you need them. You may also want to get help from your place of worship, support groups or other community resources. Feeling connected and supported can help reduce suicide risk.
  • Remember, suicidal feelings are temporary. If you feel hopeless or that life's not worth living anymore, remember that treatment can help you regain your perspective - and life will get better. Take one step at a time and don't act impulsively.

Please call TimelyCare Customer Support at (833) 484-6359 if you are looking for a therapist that meets your specific criteria, so you get the right support for you.

Thank you,

Antelope Valley College Health Services

Let's Get Informed

February is Black History Month and American Heart Month. This month is a time to celebrate Black American culture and an opportunity to educate ourselves on Black people's stories. Here are some expert insights on addressing racial and ethnic disparities across healthcare, improving cardiovascular health, and more.


Black Americans and Heart Disease: The Four Risk Factors to Know

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. And based on 2018 statistics, Black Americans are 30% more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites.* The good news is that with proper attention, most heart disease risk factors can be treated and, in some instances, prevented. Find out more below.




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We All Have a Role to Play in Suicide Prevention.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This September, we want you to know: suicide is preventable and everyone (including YOU!) has a role to play.


Within a campus community, there are many ways to engage with suicide prevention efforts. See below for resources from California Community Colleges Mental Health & Wellness and the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA). Take action for mental health this September—you CAN make a difference in your community!

Getting Started: Preliminary Resources for Suicide Prevention

July 2022 saw the launch of 988, the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. By dialing 988, people across the nation can reach trained counselors 24. Learn more about the recent launch of 988 and see how you fit in to the Lifeline network.

Prevention can be as simple as knowing the signs, finding the words, and reaching out. Learn how with CalMHSA’s “Know the Signs” interactive interface!

Arm yourself with information! Check out this infographic from the Pew Charitable Trusts to learn more about quick, effective screening tools that can save lives.


Health Services

Medical, Dental, Vision and Mental Health services are available for currently enrolled students as well as health education and prevention activities. Students are required to pay the Student Health fee each semester or term.  To schedule an on-campus appointment with a Student Health Services representative please go to https://www.avc.edu/virtualstudentservices

NEW!  TeleMed and Telecounseling Services for students 

Antelope Valley College offers 24/7 medical and mental telehealth for students.  Click here to get started. 

Antelope Valley College offers a telehealth program for students called timely care Telehealth for AVC Students. The service will provide access to 24/7 medical and mental telehealth care across the United States, with no cost at the time of visit!  Students can schedule 12 sessions per year that they can utilize at no cost to them. 

Please call TimelyCARE Customer Support at (833) 484-6359 if you are looking for a therapist that meets your specific criteria, so you get the right support for you.

Whether you're feeling sick or overwhelmed, you will be able to talk to a licensed provider from your smartphone or any web-enabled device. Licensed providers are available to diagnose non-emergent medical conditions, prescribe medications and offer mental health support via phone or secure video visits. Below are a few FAQs about CA Students Care.  

Q. Who can use CA Students Care?

A. Any Antelope Valley College student, whether you are accessing instruction in person or remotely.

Q. What services are available?

A. There following services are available to all students:

  • Medical: 24/7, on-demand access to a medical provider that can treat a wide range of common illnesses like cold and flu, sinus infection, allergies and more
  • TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at any time

Q. How can students access CA Students Care?

A. You can go to timely care Telehealth for AVC Students to register for and access telehealth services. You can then have visits from any web-enabled device throughout the United States – smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You must use your legal name as listed in Banner to create a profile. You may then change to a preferred name.

Q. How much does a visit cost?

A. There is no visit cost for Antelope Valley College students.

Q: Can CA Students Care services diagnose COVID-19?

A: CA Students Care will virtually assess symptoms and administer frontline care in a contained environment to limit the spread of illness. They will also give recommendations on need for testing vs. self-quarantine, and where to go if testing or further care is needed.

Additional Information: