- Vendor Registration
- Purchase Orders
- Contracts
- Delivery Information
- Billing/Payment
- Bid Opportunities
- Contractor DIR Requirements
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Community Workforce Agreement (CWA)
- Visitor-Vendor COVID-19 Guidance.pdf
- Contact Us
- Project Insurance Manual
Vendor Registration
Our District has implemented a web-based procurement system hosted by PlanetBids and provided at no cost to all interested businesses. The PlanetBids system allows interested suppliers, contractors, and service providers to register online to receive automated email notifications of formal and informal solicitations (Bids, RFP, and quotes) for goods and services pertinent to their business. Registered vendors may also download bid documents, receive addenda, submit electronic bids, and view bid results through the PlanetBids system.
Vendors are responsible for registering and maintaining up to date and accurate business profile information in the PlanetBids system. Vendors may edit their profile information at any time. A PlanetBids Vendor Guide is available for your reference, but you may also click "Help" within the PlanetBids system for online assistance or contact PlanetBids directly for any technical assistance.
Get started now by clicking the link below to the District's PlanetBids Vendor Portal:
Purchase Orders
The policies and procedures that govern AVCCD are found in the codes outlined for the State of California community colleges and those policies adopted by the District’s Board of Trustees.
Under the law, the Board of Trustees has the ultimate responsibility for purchases and contracts of the District. The Board of Trustees, in accordance with Education Code Section 81656, delegates to the Superintendent/President the authority to purchase supplies, materials, apparatus, equipment, and services as necessary to the efficient operation of the District.
Purchases made in the name of the District without a Purchase Order, may be considered an obligation of the person making the purchase.
Purchase Order Terms & Conditions can be found on the Vendor Information page on the Purchasing Department’s website, /administration/busserv/PurchasingPOTerms.
The District requires a contract for vendors performing services such as repairs, maintenance agreements, auditing or legal services, transportation services, etc. Contracts may also be required for large purchases that do not fall into one of the above mentioned categories.
Contracts may only be signed by one of the following District employees with signature authorization:
Executive Director of Fiscal and Financial Services
Contracts are not valid until approved by the Antelope Valley College Board of Trustees.
IT related contracts will require the completion of a HECVAT Lite (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit) form.
Delivery Information
The Purchase Order number must appear on all packages and packing slips associated with each order.
All deliveries are to be sent to the following address unless specified differently on the Purchase Order:
Antelope Valley College Warehouse
3041 West Avenue K
Lancaster, CA 93536
Receiving hours and delivery information can be found on the following page: /administration/busserv/purchasingdelivery
To expedite payment, all invoices shall be emailed to accounts_payable@avc.edu and/or directed to:
Antelope Valley College
ATTN: Accounts Payable
3041 West Avenue K
Lancaster, CA 93536
Invoices sent elsewhere may delay payment. All invoices must include the correct and current purchase order number.
Bid Opportunities
Bid opportunities are posted on the Bid Opportunities website and the Vendor Information page of the Purchasing Department’s website, http://www.avc.edu/administration/busserv/rfpbiddocs. Formal Bids are also advertised in the AV Press and are found in the legal section.
Formal Bids must be received by the Purchasing Department, as indicated in the solicitation, prior to the date and the time specified in the Bid Package. Formal Bids received after the scheduled time will be returned unopened to the bidder.
Public opening of bids/proposals will be specified in the bid documents. Openings may be performed in person at a designated location, via zoom, or the District may elect to only post results on it's PlanetBids site. The intent is to announce received bids/proposals. For in person bids, presence is not required although vendors/contractors are encouraged to attend.
After bids and supporting documentation have been verified and analyzed, a recommendation shall be made to the Board of Trustees at the following Board meeting.
Contractor DIR Requirements
Senate Bill 854 requires all contractors and subcontractors meet minimum qualification requirements and register with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) in order to be eligible to bid and work on public works projects. Public works refers to construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work (including maintenance) done under contract and paid for by public funds.
As of March 1, 2015, only registered contractors and subcontractors will be eligible to bid on public works projects.
A valid DIR registration ID will be required from contractors and subcontractors prior to the award of any contract dated April 1, 2015 or later.
As of July 1, 2017, Contractors who work exclusively on small public works projects are not required to register as a public works contractor or file electronic certified payroll reports for those projects. Contractors are still required to maintain certified payroll records on a continuous basis, and provide them to the Labor Commissioner’s Office upon request. Additionally, awarding agencies are not required to submit the notice of contract award through DIR’s PWC-100 system on projects that fall within the small project exemption. The small project exemption applies for all public works projects that do not exceed:
- $25,000 for new construction, alteration, installation, demolition or repair
- $15,000 for maintenance
Up to date information and the application for DIR registration can be found here.
- California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission
- Register with DIR (SB 854)
- DIR Registration Number
- PWC-100 Search
- Contractor License Number
- Bid Opportunities at AVCCD
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The District complies with the provision of The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) of 1990 and requires its contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and vendors to do so as well as they fulfill their contracts with our organization.
Your cooperation in complying with the provisions of the ADA is greatly appreciated.
Key Requirements:
Summary of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
1. Non-discrimination
Discrimination is not permitted:
- Against employees or prospective employees based on a legally-protected disability. On employees, non-discrimination applies to all actions and practices, including job assignment, compensation, benefits, performance assessment, promotion, training, leaves, layoffs and terminations.
- Against any employees or applicants based on their association or relationship with someone who has a legally-protected disability
2. Reasonable Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation is anything an employer would do differently to permit a person with a protected disability to:
- Complete the employment process,
- Perform essential job functions, and/or
- Have the same benefits and privileges as similarly-situated employees.
When requested, the employer must provide accommodation upon receiving documentation of the protected disability and its requirements for an accommodation for one of the three purposes listed above. The employer need not provide an accommodation when it can prove the accommodation would cause undue hardship. However, undue hardship is construed very narrowly. As a result, before declining any reasonable accommodation on this basis, it is recommended that you consult legal counsel.
For complete details on ADA, please visit https://www.ada.gov
Contact Us
The Purchasing Department is located in the Business Services Area of the Administration Building, A154.
Vendors are encouraged to make appointments before coming to the Purchasing Department. Routine “courtesy” visits are discouraged as they can disrupt the daily workflow and vendors without appointments may not be seen. To make an appointment, please call 661-722-6310 or email purchasing@avc.edu.
The Purchasing Department needs to be notified before a vendor contacts personnel in other areas of the College.
Buyer Supervisor | ||||
Angela Musial | ||||
amusial1@avc.edu | ||||
(661) 722-6310 | ||||
Buyer | ||||
Eileen O'Brien | ||||
eobrien3@avc.edu | ||||
(661) 722-6310 |