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Photography - Commercial - PHTC

Photography - Commercial - PHTC

The Photography program is directed toward individual artistic development with an emphasis on the student’s ability to create independent works. This program will help students gain the skills and knowledge necessary to enter into the photographic workforce. The Photography program emphasizes technical skills in the operation of 35mm, medium and large-format cameras using film-based and digital camera systems. Digital imaging, editing and creative manipulations, and digital printing and color management technologies are provided from entry-level classes and throughout the entire curriculum. The program develops an appreciation for the historical and contemporary relevance of photography.

What certificates/degrees can I earn?


What will I learn?

The Commercial Photography Program provides students with the skills and knowledge to take creativity and passion and turn it into something marketable and profitable.


Most of our faculty are working professionals in the photography field.  Our photography professionals will provide instruction and assign projects that will prepare students for working in the profession of photography.

What kinds of classes are offered?

We offer a variety of photography courses.  In the Beginning Black & White classes, students will learn to develop film and develop prints in the darkroom.  We also offer Cameras & Composition, in which students will be taught how to use large, medium and small format film cameras.  In the studio practices courses, students will have access to our photography studio.  Our courses offer students the opportunity to learn portraiture, studio lighting and how to create images for advertising.

What are possible jobs in this field?

The coursework for our Associate of Applied Science Degree in Commercial Photography prepares students to work in the areas of:

What are my employment opportunities?

Antelope Valley College works closely with employers in the aerospace industry, local print houses and studios.

What’s the average pay range for local jobs in this field?

Hourly wages can range from $15 to $100 and salaries from $35,000 to well over $100,000, depending on employer, position and experience.

For more information

See a counselor in the Student Services Building for more information.