Student Life and Services: Student Clubs & Organizations
All registered students are eligible for membership in the clubs and organizations of their choice. Students are encouraged to form additional clubs and organizations to meet special needs or interests. All new clubs and organizations are a part of the Inter-Club Council (ICC) after approval from the Board of Trustees. Having a minimum of 10 students, faculty advisor and completing the necessary paperwork is all that is needed to begin. The Student Life and Services Office assists all clubs in processing paperwork and maintaining all the club's financial records and banking needs.
Active Clubs
A2MEND (Pending Reactivation)
Advisor: Vejae Jennings, vjennings@avc.edu.
Club Focus: To promote the enhancement of enrollment, success, empowerment, leadership, networking, professionalism, and graduation of individuals among African American Latino, and other male students at Antelope Valley College.
Alpha Iota, Honors Society
Advisors: Dr. Matthew Jaffe, mjaffe@avc.edu, Thomas Graves, tgraves3@avc.edu, and Dr. Mark McGovern, mmcgovern@avc.edu., Alberto Mendoza amendoza2@avc.edu, Kevin North knorth@avc.edu
Club Focus: A society to promote and recognize high scholastic achievement while also serving the community through service activities and volunteer work.
Alpha Omega Christian Ministry (Pending Activation)
Advisors: Larry Ramirez, lramirez23@avc.edu
Club Focus: To provide the students of AVC a space to explore their spirituality and fellowship with other Christians of orthodox faith.
Anthropology Club
Advisors: Dr. Darcy Wiewall, dwiewall@avc.edu,
Club Focus: To provide students of all academic backgrounds and fields of study the opportunity to explore the discipline of anthropology in all its facets: archaeological, cultural, biological, and linguistic. Thereby, sponsoring original research opportunities, open lectures, forums, and activities related to the discipline.
Asian Appreciation Association (Pending Activation)
Advisor: Alberto Mendoza, amendoza2@avc.edu
Club Focus: To contribute to the education of students by providing opportunities to understand and appreciate various aspects of Asian culture through engaging presentations, enriching conversation, and events..
AVC Digital Media (Pending Activation)
Advisor: TBA
Club Focus: To enhance and promote the skills and talent of digital media students via workshops, exhibits, and festivals on campus.
AVC Percussion Association (Pending Activation)
Advisor: Gary Heaton - Smith, gheatonsmith@avc.edu
Club Focus: To give percussionists or those interested in becoming percussionists a place to meet, have fun, and do percussion related activities.
AVC RockStars (Pending Activation)
Advisors: Dr. Aurora Burd, aburd@avc.edu
Club Focus: To find and interact with other students interested in geology. To interact with other geologists in the community and to help geology students transfer.
Advisor: Dr. Zia Nisani, znisani@avc.edu, Osvaldo Larios Perez, olariosperez@avc.edu, Katlin Bessinger, kbessinger@avc.edu, Richard Biritwum, rbiritwum@avc.edu, Jason Bowen, jbowen9@avc.edu, Jedidiah Lobos, jlobos@avc.edu, Cynthia Wishka, cwishka1@avc.edu, Roy Osawa, rosawa@avc.edu
Club Focus: To increase the interest, education, networking, visibility and social support for STEM majors and to advocate for STEM programs.
Black Student Union
Advisor: Dr. Nikki Riley, nriley@avc.edu
Club Focus: To develop positive social outlets and instill pride and self-esteem. Open to anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the African experience.
Advisor: Mary Jacobs, mjacobs2avc.edu
Club Focus: To create an atmosphere of professional behavior and foster the transition from student to professional nursing through leadership, activism, and advocacy.
Deaf Studies Association
Advisor: Maurice Boyd, mboyd@avc.edu
Club Focus: A place to welcome all who are new or beginning students who are interested in expanding their awareness to Deaf Culture.
Elohist (Pending Activation)
Advisor: Sherri Zhu, szhu@avc.edu
Club Focus: To educate our fellow students as the value of spiritual understanding and spiritual well being. Only when we understand ourselves both physically and spiritually can we truly make a positive impact on our community.
English Club
Advisor: Dr. Rachel Jennings, rjennings@avc.edu
Club Focus: To read, write, and discuss various literature, and screenplays. To develop reading and writing skills and study techniques.
Film Production
Advisor: Kevin North, knorth@avc.edu
Club Focus: To bring together aspiring filmmakers by making connections both personal and professional to help with members careers.
Fire Technology
Advisor: Mark Gilman, mgilman@avc.edu, Lori Gilroy, lgilroy@avc.edu
Club Focus: To promote fellowship and networking for students with an interest in the Fire Service.
Gamer's Club
Advisor: Ryan Rivas, rrivas8@avc.edu
Club Focus: To promote awareness of E-sports and create a welcoming environment for casual, competitive gaming.
Grupo Folklorico de AVC
Advisor: Tanya McGinnis, tmcginnis1@avc.edu
Club Focus: To create a community of students who love to dance and want to learn more about Mexican Culture, regions, and the history behind it all.
Advisor: Tanya McGinnis, tmcginnis1@avc.edu
Club focus: To expose the AVC community to the rich and diverse Hispanic culture. To promote intellectual discussion, tolerance of cultural backgrounds, and foster cultural insight.
Photography Club
Advisor: Tim Meyer, tmeyer6@avc.edu
Club Focus: To form a connection between local photographers.
Pre-Law Club
Advisor: Alberto Mendoza, amendoza2@avc.edu
Club Focus: To allow students with an interest in law to explore the world of law.
Pride Club (Pending Activation)
Advisor: TBA
Club Focus: To educate, encourage, and embrace sexuality and gender by building a stronger LGBTQIA+ and ally community on campus. The Pride Club inspires to create a positive change on campus by doing community service, provide resources, and have events that allow the club to promote an open door, non-judgmental, and safe environment for everybody on campus.
Psychology Student Organization
Advisor: Fredy Aviles, faviles@avc.edu
Club Focus: We, as students of Antelope Valley College, in order to support the academic pursuits of its member, facilitate psychology-related activities and promote learning of psychology.
Advisor: Candace Martin, cmartin@avc.edu, Elinda Parkinson, eparkinson3@avc.edu
Club Focus: To discuss and advocate for a better program for current and future nursing students.
Theater Arts Club (Pending Reactivation)
Advisor: Jonet Leighton, jleighton@avc.edu, Suzanne Wakefield, swakefield@avc.edu, Carla Corona, ccorona2@avc.edu
Club Focus: To support theatrical practitioners, create student produced work, and explore the theatrical world.
Umoja Club (Pending Reactivation)
Advisor: TBA
Club Focus: To bring unity, monitoring and community among AVC students.
United Artists for Social Change
Advisor: Carla Corona, ccorona2@avc.edu, Tino Garcia, tgarcia37@avc.edu
Club Focus: To use creative expression as a vehicle for change so that people are inspired to take action and build a more beautiful world.
Veterans (Pending Reactivation)
Advisor: TBA
Club Focus: To provide social groups to help veterans adjust to and become successful in civilian and college life; to bridge the gap amongst veterans and students at AVC.