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All IERP Dashboards

AVC Annual Headcount with Demographics

  • View Dashboard  - to see the Total Annual Headcount disaggregated by race/ethnicity, age groups, and sex

Program Review Data

  • View Dashboard - to see the success and retention rate, number of sections, enrollment by discipline, as well as equity data, program awards, FTES & FTES. The last View  shows AVC success & retention rates and allows for disaggregation by modality, duration, location, race/ethnicity, age, & sex

Degrees and Certificates

  • View Dashboard  to see data on the program awards trends by program type and program majors

Term Majors

  • View Dashboard to find information on the numbers of enrolled majors by term. 

Statewide Initiatives

  • Student Equity Plan 2023  - View Dashboard  to gain information on the disproportionally impacted groups for  five metrics for the SEP 
  • Student Equity Plan 2022  - View Dashboard  to gain information on the disproportionally impacted groups for  five metrics for the SEP 
  • Vision for Success 4.0 - View Dashboard -  to see progress on Vision for Success metrics and sub-group disaggregation

Service Area Information

Student Profile Dashboards

Student Profile dashboards contain demographic, enrollment, and success data for all enrolled students and for select cohorts in that term