Erick A Garcia You Are Enough Foundation
2nd Annual AV Mental Health Awareness Day & Walk
October 14th 8AM to Noon / Registration starts at 7:30AM
Poncitlan Square 38315 9th Street East Palmdale, CA 93550
For more info please go to www.youareenoughfoundation.org
Wellness Support Groups
Immigrants Rising’s Wellness Support Groups help undocumented people stay grounded and connected to community.
AVC Walking Group - Let's Get Walking!
For your health and peace of mind
Starting Fall 2023
Meet us on the walkway between the HUB and south side entrance of the SSV Building.
10AM sharp on the following Thursday dates:
Thursday, Sept. 7th
Thursday, Sept. 14th
Thursday. Sept. 21st
Thursday, September 28th
Thursday, October 5th
Thursday, October 12th
Thursday, October 19th
Thursday, October 26th
Each walk will be no more than 15 minutes around the campus.
Each week will have a fun walking activity and giveaway!
Join us and Let's Get Walking!
Free Massage Therapy Appointments Available
Ready to find your balance, relax and renew?
Student Health is offering a holistic approach to your wellness.
Free 15-Minute Chair Massage Therapy
Next Date: Tuesday, October 4th
Location: Student Lounge
Appointments will run every 15-minutes starting at 9:15AM ending at 1:15PM. This is part of the Antelope Valley College healthy campus and wellness support available to students, faculty and staff.
Email studenthealth@avc.edu to have a massage voucher issued to you:
1. Email your request from your AVC email address
2. Provide your AVC 900# / or your work extension and Department
3. Include a preferred date and time for an appointment. Only one appointment per person.
Appointment times will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Student Health will try to accommodate your appointment time preference. Walk-in appointments may be available also.
Massages offered by University of Antelope Valley Massage Therapy Interns
National Suicide Prevention Week
Monday, September 11 2:30-3:30PM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Tuesday, September 12 11AM-12PM Sage Hall Front Entrance
Wednesday, September 13 12-1PM Yoshida Hall Front Entrance facing Uhazy Hall
Thursday, September 14 10-11AM Uhazy Hall Front Entrance
Join us as we bring education and information about suicide prevention, rising suicide rates, reducing the stigma surrounding suicide and encourage mental health assistance.
Sexual Health Awareness Outreach
Monday, 9/25 2-3PM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Tuesday, 9/26 10-11AM Yoshida Hall (outside near front entrance)
Wednesday, 9/27 11AM-12PM Sage Hall (front entrance)
Thursday, 9/28 9-10AM
Join us for educational information and resources.
Family Planning / Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) / Reproductive Health / Sexual Risk Behavior
Find a Health Center near you.
Menstrual Health Awareness Week
Monday, October 16th 2-3PM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Thursday, October 19th 11AM-12PM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Raising awareness about the importance of access to menstrual products, period education, and sanitation facilities.
International Stress Awareness Week
Monday, October 30th 2:30-3:30PM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Tuesday, October 31st 11AM-12PM Sage Hall (front entrance)
Wednesday, November 1st 12-1PM Yoshida Hall (West side facing Uhazy Hall)
Thursday, November 2nd 1-2PM Uhazy Hall (outside entrance of Subway)
Providing education and information; highlighting the ways that stress can affect you and what you can do to manage it before it becomes a problem.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Free workshops to learn more about living mentally well.
All workshops will be held in the SSV Building - Conference Room 236 with the exception of the first workshop
TUES., August 22nd 12-1:30PM Substance Use and Mental Wellness *Please note location SSV 177B Conference Room
WED., September 20th 2-3:30PM Family Violence Prevention
TUES., October 17th 12-1:30PM Suicide Prevention
THUR. November 16th 2-3:30PM Depression Awareness and Recovery
Light refreshments. No rsvp required.
We look forward to seeing you!

Wear Pink every Tuesday in October!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - AVC will Paint the Campus PINK!
Tuesday, October 3 9-10AM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Tuesday, October 10 11AM-12PM Bookstore Hallway
Tuesday, October 17 12-1PM Uhazy Hall - near Subway
Tuesday, October 24 1-2PM Sage Hall - inside front entrance
Stop by for resources, activities and takeaways!
Resources and Links:
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners https://www.bcpp.org/
African American Women and Breast Cancer
Cancer and Hispanic Americans
Hispanic American men and women generally have lower cancer rates than the non-Hispanic white population. However, disparities still exist in certain types of cancer.
- From 2014-2018, Hispanic men were 20 percent less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than non-Hispanic white men.
- Hispanic women are 30 percent less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than non-Hispanic white women.
- Both Hispanic men and women are almost twice as likely to have, and to die from, liver cancer than non-Hispanic whites.
- Hispanic men and women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with stomach cancer, and twice as likely to die from stomach cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white men and women.
- Hispanic women are 40 percent more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 30 percent more likely to die from cervical cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white women.
Age-adjusted percentages of cancer among adults aged 18 and over, 2019 | |||
Cancer | Hispanic | Non-Hispanic White | Hispanic / Non-Hispanic White Ratio |
All Sites | 4.1 | 12.4 | 0.3 |
Breast (women) | 1.0 | 2.0 | 0.5 |
Cervical (women) | 0.8 | 1.4 | 0.6 |
Prostate (men) | 0.7 | 2.8 | 0.3 |
Source: NCHS 2021. National Health Interview Survey. Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Adults – 2019. [Accessed 7/22/2021]
AVC Listens. We hear you.
Listening Events
Thursday, August 24th
SSV Welcome Center - Back Entrance
More dates coming Fall 2023!
Please contact Jen Winn jen.winn@avc.edu for more info!
Stop by, sit for a bit & talk
AVC Listens is a listening group on campus that provides an opportunity for student's to be heard. During the semester we set up an area with a couple of chairs and some friendly faces with good listening ears for anyone passing by to stop and sit a bit and talk - talk about anything they have on their mind: school, family life, fun things they are looking forward to...etc.
Please stop by!
Department of Public Health Outreach @ AVC
The CORE Center
Educational resources and information about how to prevent alcohol and drug use, learn more about substance use disorders and addiction and find out where to go for free or lost-cost treatment and services.
Tuesday, August 15th 10AM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Tuesday, August 29th 12PM Fine Arts Quad @ The Paint & Plant event
Tarzana Treatment Center & Parents Anonymous Outreach @ AVC
Providing prevention resources on Drug Awareness for substances such as Marijuana, Opioids, Vaping, and Alcohol. Pick up a Drug Fact sheet, Program flyers, information on Naloxone/Narcan, campaign initiatives focusing on the safe disposal of medication, and the #FightFentanyl Campaign.
Tuesday, August 15th 10-11:30AM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Wednesday, August 16th 10-11:30AM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Tuesday, August 22nd SSV Welcome Center Lobby
AVC is proud to be a smoke-free campus!
- Programs to help you quit
- Find out if you qualify for free quit smoking patches
- Connect with a counselor that can assist with every stage of quitting
You Got This!
The Great American Smokeout
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th 11AM-12:30PM SSV Welcome Center Lobby
Resources, Activities, Services Information & Community Supports
All available on this day to help you make a plan to quit smoking. Quitting smoking isn't easy, it takes time. Start here.
Fall Semester 2023
Chair Yoga & Meditation
Sometimes life gets a little hectic. Stop by for our "drop-in" sessions.
Drop-In sessions every Monday
Aug 14th, Aug 21st, Aug 28th
Sept. 11th, Sept. 18th,Sept. 25th
Oct. 2nd, Oct. 16th, Oct. 23rd, Oct. 30th
Nov. 6th, Nov. 13th, Nov 20th & Nov. 27th
Join Student Health & Counseling Department
Facilitated by: Dr. De'Nean Coleman-Carew
in the new SSV Building - 236 Conference Room (2nd floor)
Make us part of your weekly routine!
Come as you are, no special attire required.
Announcing TimelyCare Sessions! Free Virtual Yoga & Meditation Classes for Students
Need some relaxation this summer? Join us for Yoga or Meditation
Curious about guided meditation for relaxation, or interested in improving your yoga practice? Join TimelyMD CaStudentCare every Tuesday at 12:00 CST for Guided Meditation and Thursday at 12 CST for Yoga this summer.
- Guided Meditation - Guided Meditation (Yoga Nidra) promotes ways to destress, relax and practice mindfulness.
- Yoga - These 45-minute sessions include breathing techniques, postural alignment and how to be more present to your mind, body and spirit.
Student Health C-O-N-N-E-C-T
The Science Behind Gratitude
Read the full article: https://www.happify.com/hd/the-science-behind-gratitude/
Mindful Meditations
Getting started: https://www.mindful.org/meditation/mindfulness-getting-started/
Basic Yoga Stretches
Check out these basic yoga stretches https://www.prevention.com/fitness/workouts/g30417941/best-yoga-stretches/
Virtual Adventures! Taking a Mental Break
Quick, easy activities to help re-energize, refocus and give your brains a boost. Here are the links:
3 minute stretch break https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayGKw8JFqMo
Learn to dance the Macarena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLo3SASoZ_E
Free printable coloring sheets https://www.fabercastell.com/pages/coloring-pages-for-adults
Virtual museum tours. Ever dreamed about visiting Guggenheim Museum in New York or the British Museum in London? Well sit back and enjoy these wonderful places all from the comforts of your home! https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours
Take a virtual field trip to zoos, aquariums, farms and even join a safari https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/virtual-field-trips-zoo-aquarium-farm-safari.html
Free guided meditations offered by the University of California, Los Angeles https://www.uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations
The Happiness Jar: A Simple Way to Boost Your Mood is Always Welcome
Create a Happiness Jar. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, try being grateful for what you do have. According to researchers, gratitude is a simple way to boost your mood, and creating a "happiness jar" is a great way to foster gratitude. On a piece of paper write one good thing that has happened that day for which you are grateful, fold it or roll it up and pop it into the jar. It can be a simple thing such as a nice meal, good weather , a visit with a friend, or a good night's sleep. Continue this everyday throughout the year. At the end of the year you will have plenty of wonderful memories to reflect on.
Financial Health - You and Your Money
Three key practices to achieve financial health:
1. Develop a personal budget. A budget can help you plan for unforeseen expenses, help you save for future goals, and help you prioritize spending and saving.
2. Start saving early. The sooner you start saving, the easier it is to reach your long-term financial goals.
3. Recognize Wants vs. Needs. Being mindful of the difference between what you want and what you actually need can help you make better spending choices.
You & Your Mental Health
Antelope Valley College offers 24/7 medical and mental tele health for students. Click here to get started
To access the 10 Practical Ways to Look After Your Mental Health go to www.avc.edu/connect
Improving Your Sleep: Why You Probably Need More Sleep
Sleep powers the mind, restores the body, and fortifies virtually every system in the body. But how much sleep do we really need in order to get these benefits?
Visit the Sleep Foundation for all-things-sleep and get some much needed Zzzzinformation! https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/why-do-we-need-sleep
Test Your Sleep Knowledge & Take A Sleep Quiz https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/rm-quiz-sleep
Student Health Services Available for YOU!
Did you know you you are eligible for Vision, Dental, In-person Medical, Tele-Mental Health Counseling and Tele-Medical Services?
All the information you need for health services can be found here.
Please email studenthealth@avc.edu to request a voucher to make an appointment with in-person services with local area providers. (Vision, Dental and In-person Medical Services all require a voucher).
Tele-Mental Health Counseling and Tele-Medical services can be accessed at TimelyCare.
Resources and Support Links:
AVC ARCHES program https://www.avc.edu/studentservices/arches
AVC Marauders Basic Needs https://www.avc.edu/basicneeds
Mental Health America https://www.mhanational.org/
Antelope Valley Partners for Health http://www.avph.org/
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health https://dmh.lacounty.gov/
Grief Resources
Coalition to Support Grieving Students https://grievingstudents.org/
COVID Grief Network https://www.covidgriefnetwork.org/
Heal Grief www.healgrief.org
National Alliance for Grieving Children www.childrengrieve.org
Student Health Services & TimelyMD
Grief and Loss Discussion 
Brought to you by Dr. Stacia Alexander, Caress Adams, CA Students Care and the TimelyMD Team. To view a recording of this conversation, please click HERE.
If you need additional support, CA Students Care is here for you. TalkNow providers are available on-demand 24/7/365 to offer mental health support related to grief, anxiety, relationships and any other troubles you may be experiencing. For more information and frequently asked questions about CA Students Care, visit www.CAStudents.care
Other resources include:
- https://www.apa.org/topics/
covid-19/grief-distance?utm_ source=HowRightNow&utm_medium= HRNwebsite - https://howrightnow.org/
Project Return Peer Support Network Warm Line The Project Return Peer Support Network Warm Line is a peer-run non-crisis support line where callers can connect with a peer for one-on-one support in a confidential, safe space.
Los Angeles County's first after-hours telephone line for individuals with mental health challenges and staffed entirely by peers with lived experience. Peers are available to listen when traditional mental health services are closed.
The Warm Line is temporarily expanding their hours to extend their services during this time. Information to connect:
Monday - Friday 2:30 pm - 10:00 pm & Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Dial toll-free:
1-888-448-9777 for English
1-888-448-4055 for Spanish
Want us to call YOU?
Complete a short form online at http://prpsn.org/support-
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought overwhelming grief to many families. At FEMA, our mission is to help people before, during and after disasters. We are dedicated to helping ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the virus.
Motivational Interviewing Training
Ever wonder how you might help someone resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior?
Five Principles of Motivational Interviewing
Express empathy through reflective listening.
Develop discrepancy between goals or values and their current behavior.
Avoid argument and direct confrontation.
Adjust to resistance rather than opposing it directly.
Support self-efficacy and optimism.
The training can be accessed here:
Mental Health and COVID-19: Caring for Others and Yourself in Times of Change and Uncertainty
Presented by Melissa Reeves, Ph.D, NCSP, LCMHC
Associate Professor, Winthrop University
In order to view the webinar On Demand you will need to:
Click on the link provided https://event.webcasts.com/
viewer/portal.jsp?ei=1326137& tp_key=f9a418c003 -
Register with your AVC email / Log In
Scroll down to the Webinar titled Keynote: Mental Health and COVID-19: Caring for Others and Yourself in Times of Change and Uncertainty
Click View Now
Dr. Joshua Frendenburg "Leading in a Time of Crisis" Presentation Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqnJG8hrqoQ&feature=youtu.be
Crisis Text Line Information
Feeling Overwhelmed? Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 service to people in crisis. All via text. In crisis now? Text 741741.
Visit the Crisis Text Line @ crisistextline.org