Evidence related to Standard IV.C.
- IV.C.7. Status-Revision Updates Spreadsheet BP and AP
- IV.C.7. BP _ AP Process Diagram
- IV.C.13. AVC Board - 4.8.13
- IV.C.13. AVC Board - 3.11.13
- IV.C.13. AVC Board - 12.8.14
- IV.C.10. BOT Agenda - Self Evaluation 1.18.12
- IV.C.10. Annual Self Evaluation of BOT
- IV.C.13. AVC Board Accreditation 12.8.14
- IV.C.7. Approval Process for BP and APs
- IV.C.9. Board Orientation Letter
- IV.C.9. Brown Act Workshop Power Point 10.23.15
- IV.C.3. BOT MInutes 10.8.12
- IV.C.7. Master Status of BPs and APs March 2016
- IV.C.11.12.12 BOT Minutes