Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Planning: Planning Documents Links
- AVC Planning Calendar 2019-2021 This is a .pdf document
- Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) and Budget Committee (BC) Flowchart
- Educational Service Plan Documents
- AVC's 2019-2022 Strategic Plan This is a .pdf document
- AVC Educational Service Plan 2022 (Draft) - This is a.pdf document
- AVC Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis - This is a .pdf document
- VfS 2022 Goals This is a .pdf document
- VfS 2020 Goals with Actuals This is a .pdf document
- ACCJC Institution Set Standards This is a dashboard link
- AVC 2019-2020 ACCJC Institution Set Standards This is a .pdf document
- Board Initiatives (2019-2023) This is a .pdf document
- Board Initiatives (2019-2022) This is a .pdf document
- Strategic Plan Template (2019-2022) This is a Word document
- 2016-2019 AVC Strategic Plan
- AVC Student Success Scorecard, 2018 This is a .pdf document
- AVC Scorecard 2018 Trend Data This is a .pdf document
- Chancellor's Office Vision for Success This is a .pdf document
- Basic Skills Action Plans
- Technology Master Plan
- Facilities Master Plan
- AVC 2022-2023 Tentative Budget
- Enrollment Management Plan
- AVC's Fact Books
- Accreditation Report
- Human Resources Staffing Plan This is a .pdf document
- Marketing
- Student Success & Support (SSSP)
- 2022-2025 Student Equity Plan & Student Equity Plan Data
- AP 3250 and BP 3250 Institutional Planning
- RISC and ILOs