Disbursement and Refund Information
What does disbursement mean?
Disbursement is the process of turning a financial aid offer into a payment for an account. Students must meet all eligibility requirements in order for the financial aid office to request a disbursement of funds. The disbursement process takes approximately three business days to complete, and funds will not be refunded until three business days after they are disbursed.
The disbursements are processed on Monday of each disbursement week. The Financial Aid disbursements will first cover/pay any outstanding balances due to the college. A student's financial aid refund will be transmitted with BankMobile Disbursements on the following Thursday.
Pell Grant
These grants are disbursed in two payments per semester. The Pell payment will be based upon enrollment status (full time, three-quarter time, half-time, less than half-time) at the time of the calculation.
Prior to the second disbursement, enrollment status will be reviewed. *The second payment is provided to meet the educational expenses for the remainder of the term. Payments are made throughout the semester as the student’s eligibility requirements are met.
Late starting classes must have begun for units to be included in the first disbursement otherwise they will be included on the following disbursements. Payments will be adjusted according to enrollment status.
For students whose financial aid files were incomplete at the beginning of the school year or were awarded later in the term, payments will be issued on the following disbursement dates.
Classes officially added after the following semester deadlines will not be funded:
Fall 2023 End of 9th week
Spring 2024 End of 8th week
Summer 2024 To Be Determined
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
The SEOG is disbursed in one payment during the semester. It is based on enrollment status at the time of disbursement.
Cal Grant
The Cal Grants are disbursed in one payment each semester after the end of the fourth week. It is based on enrollment status at the time of disbursement.
Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)
The Student Success Completion Grant is a new financial aid program for Cal Grant recipients that are enrolled in 12 or more units. It is based on enrollment status at the time of disbursement.
Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans
Disbursements for loans are made in two payments per semester. First-time borrower loans are disbursed after the end of the sixth week.
Disbursements for scholarships are made in one payment each term after the funds have been received from the funding source.
*Students who drop classes, withdraw from all classes, or who stop attending all classes and receive all failing grades may be required to repay some or all of the funds they received for the semester.
BankMobile Disbursements
Antelope Valley College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.
An email will be sent to your AVC email account whenever a refund/disbursement has been processed.
ATM Locator Website http://www.allpointnetwork.com/atm-locators.aspx
To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.
For more information about BankMobile Disbursements please visit http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/