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CTE Transitions Grant


In 2011-2012 Tech Prep was omitted from the federal budget as a part of Perkins IV. The Chancellor’s Office chose to invoke a 10% Reserve from Title I-C funding to preserve Tech Prep’s primary mission to facilitate the transition of CTE students from secondary to postsecondary to high skill, high wage, and high demand occupations by funding statewide CTE Transitions consortia.  This annual CTE Transitions funding is expected to continue until the current Carl D. Perkins Act of 2006 is reauthorized.

The areas funded within this allocation are:   

  1. Outreach/Career Exploration
  2. Professional Development
  3. Consortia Meetings
  4. Articulation
  5. Support for “credit by examination” mechanisms
  6. Support for concurrent enrollment
  7. Support for coordination of work-based learning/internships/placement at the postsecondary level.

CTE Transitions Funding Awards

2011 – 2012  CTE Trans Grant 11-112-620    $46,970.00
2012 – 2013 CTE Trans Grant 12-112-620 $49,389.00
  Total $96,359.00