The Teacher Accelerated Preparation Program (TAPP) is here to provide support to students who are interested in a career in Education (teacher, teacher's aide, para-educator) and provides professional development for in-service teachers. By becoming a member, you will benefit from the following services we offer:
- Learn to Teach club membership
- Specialized Teacher-Education counseling, including drop in hours (SEE BELOW)
- Networking with other future teachers
- Teaching career pathway information and educational planning
- Job preparation and volunteer opportunity advising
- Opportunities to attend special activities and events, such as workshops and conferences
- University tour information
Complete the membership form so we can assist you in reaching your teaching goals: TAPP Membership Form
Drop in counseling hours: On Mondays 11:00 AM-6:00 PM, TAPP members can visit the Counseling Center front desk and ask to speak with the TAPP counselor (Rod Schilling) for drop in counseling. While educational plans require scheduled appointments, he will be happy to meet with you (schedule permitting) to answer your questions and provide counseling towards your teaching future! The Counseling Center is located in the new Student Services building.