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AP&P Meets on the Second and Fourth Thursday of the month. 

Changes in the meeting modality will be communicated to the committee.

Please subscribe to our AP&P Calendar!

Curriculum Cycle 2023-24

A new or revised course or degree/certificate must be approved by AP&P on or before November 9, 2023, for inclusion in the 2024-2025 College Catalog and academic year offerings, which means the revisions, should be entered and submitted in eLumen by September 30, 2023, at the latest, to allow ample time for the material to move through the review process.

Please work closely with your AP&P representative.

Meeting Deadlines
AP&P Senate Board Effective
Deadline* Meeting Deadline Meeting Deadline Meeting  
Fall 2023
8/18/23 8/24/23 9/1/23 9/7/23 9/22/23 10/6/23 Fall 2024
9/8/23 9/14/23 9/15/23 9/21/23 9/22/23 10/6/23 Fall 2024
9/22/23 9/28/23 9/29/23 10/5/23 11/3/23 11/13/23 Fall 2024
10/6/23 10/12/23 10/13/23 10/19/23 11/3/23 11/13/23 Fall 2024
10/20/23 10/26/23 10/27/23 11/2/23 11/3/23 11/13/23 Fall 2024
11/3/23 11/9/23 11/10/23 11/16/23 11/28/23 12/8/23 Fall 2024
    11/24/23 11/30/23 12/15/23 1/8/24 Fall 2024
Spring 2024
1/19/24 1/25/24 1/26/24 2/1/24 2/2/24 2/12/24 Fall 2025
2/2/24 2/8/24 2/9/24 2/15/24 3/1/24 3/11/24 Fall 2025
2/16/24 2/22/24 3/15/24 3/21/24 3/29/24 4/8/24 Fall 2025
3/8/24 3/14/24 3/15/24 3/21/24 3/29/24 4/8/24 Fall 2025
3/22/24 3/28/24 3/29/24 4/4/24 5/3/24 5/13/24 Fall 2025
4/5/24 4/11/24 4/12/24 4/18/24 5/3/24 5/13/24 Fall 2025
4/19/24 4/25/24 4/26/24 5/2/24 5/3/24 5/13/24 Fall 2025
Regional Consortium Monthly Meetings (CTE DEAN must review your application before program submission to the Southern Central Cost Regional Consortium.) For meeting dates, please visit: www.sccrcolleges.org
* Pending workflows need to be at the "Agenda" stage.



Curriculum Approval Process
Faculty Pre-Launch
Division Coordinator (Dean)
Articulation Officer
Librarian (if applicable)
Curriculum can’t move to the next level until each member reviews it.
Technical Review Committee Focuses on clarity, accuracy and consistency of course/program description.
AP&P Committee Reviews and make recommendations.
Agenda & Approval Ready to appear on agenda.
VP of Academic Affairs Reviews and approves.
Senate Reviews and make recommendations.
Board Reviews and approves.
Chancellor Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI) Approval process timelines: New Programs = 60 days; ADT’S= 45-60 days. A program may not be offered until approval from the Chancellor Office.
Banner Program or course are built into Banner.
IMPLEMENTATION: Effective the follow Fall semester.