The Learning Outcomes Committee provide specific observable characteristics developed by faculty that allow them to determine or demonstrate evidence that learning has occurred as a result of a specific course, or program. The Antelope Valley College Board of Trustees relies primarily on the Academic Senate for advice on educational program development, standards/policies regarding student preparation and success, degree and certificate requirements, and curriculum including prerequisites; thus the Committee for Student Learning Outcomes is an Academic Senate responsibility.
The Outcomes Committee will determine a campus-wide process for the uniform implementation and assessment of Student Learning Outcomes at the course, program, and department level. A faculty chair is responsible for chairing the committee and overseeing that the functions of the Outcomes Committee are met.
- Provide support and training
- Recommend and provide samples of effective assessment tools/instruments
- Provide support in the analysis of data
- Provide connections to current campus practices
- Provide support and data in program review
- Provide support and data to the accreditation reports
- Learning Outcomes (SLOs and PLOs) are connected to Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
- Act as a resource group and maintain liaison to AP&P
2021-2022 Goals
- Train the members of this committee for eLumen with respect to committee roles and to support the faculty.
- Train faculty to use eLumen with respect to outcomes.
- Define and articulate Outcomes-related processes on campus.
- Assist in satisfying Outcomes-related accreditation standards.
- Provide support to faculty in analyzing Outcomes findings, writing Outcomes Analysis, and mapping Outcomes to one another.
Log into eLumen
Approved SLOs, PLOs for Discipline Courses