Facilities Services employees keep their focus with the three S's – SAFETY, SERVICE, and SUSTAINABILITY. Facilities Services team members participated in a team development seminar to improve upon our mission. As a result of the team development exercises, it was recognized that by team members that Facilities Services has a mission to provide students and staff at Antelope Valley College with SAFETY, SERVICE, and SUSTAINABILITY (or simply S3).
A simple S3 logo was initially created to encompass this, but this logo has now grown into a larger logo that gives a fuller and more literal picture of success. It also represents our desired state of ongoing goals that our entire department teams share together. When team members cooperate with each other, we are more effective and more productive. In addition, this logo also unpacks and defines what these three words mean.
- SAFETY - Zero Instances
It is our desire that there would not be a single safety accident on campus. Due diligence of preventative maintenance, proactive inspections, and mitigating hazardous conditions before they happen is of utmost priority.
- SERVICE - With Excellence
Maintenance and Operations are not behind the scenes. We are significant, accessible, and if the campus is not clean, kept, functional, and efficient, we are extremely visible. Being prompt, providing status updates, and disseminating appropriate information on all trade responsibilities is excellent customer service.
- SUSTAINABILIY - For Tomorrow
We do not settle for quick fixes, but strive for the best lasting long term value in our work. We recognize there is a strategy to maintaining the present needs as well as our future environmental and economical footprint by controlling usage and reducing waste.
FS Help Center
FS Office Hours
M-Th 7:30am-6pm
F 8am-11am
FS Fax
FS Mailing Address
Antelope Valley College
Facilities Services
3041 W Ave K
Lancaster, CA 93536
FS Facilities Planning & Campus Development
661.722.6300, extension 6470
FS Maintenance & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6480
FS Campus Events, Transportation, & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6562
FS Anonymous Call-In
661.722.6300, extension 1120