AVC Archives
The College Archives is the repository for non-current AVC records having permanent, historical, legal, fiscal, or administrative value.
The archives also holds professional and personal papers of some faculty and alumni, as well as publications by and about Antelope Valley College.
Where are the College Archives?
The College Archives are retained in the library and are non-circulating (these materials cannot be borrowed, but can be used in the Reading Room).
To learn more about using the AVC Library, consult our general information or contact the library staff or the archivist.
Restrictions on Use
Official records are available for research at the discretion of the originating office; this decision is not made by the library or the archivst. When records are available for research, they are called "open"; records restricted from research are called "closed."
What's open?
AVC President's Office Records prior to 1969 are open; however, some folders are closed for privacy reasons. In most cases, faculty and alumni papers are open for research. There are few to no restrictions on publications, photographs, athletics programs and media guides.
What's closed?
Most AVC office records are closed. In many cases, researchers can obtain permission from the originating office to use records within narrow parameters. Please contact Linda Parker (lparker15@avc.edu OR 661-722-6300 x. 6063) to find out if there is material relevant to your research within closed records in the College Archives. We will help you contact the offices and gain permission for access.