SOAR High School: Mission & Goals
Students On the Academic Rise, (SOAR High School ) provides a supportive, flexible, and academically enriched environment with an emphasis in mathematics, science, and engineering for underrepresented average students who are high potential but low performing in the traditional educational system. SOAR High School is designed to promote academic achievement, social maturation, and enhanced economic opportunities through completion of high school and success in college.
SOAR High School embraces the Core Principles of the Early College High School (ECHS) Initiative including improving the graduation rates by creating a flexible high school year, by compressing the number of years to complete a college degree, and removing financial and other barriers to college.
This unique program has high goals in mind:
- Encourage students to pursue higher education
- Bring together a community of learners
- Provide a supportive and caring educational environment
- Ensure opportunities for learning in an academically rigorous and flexible environment which stretches students intellectually
- Assist students to become self-directed in solving problems using oral and written communication, critical thinking, listening skills, planning and decision making skills, information literacy, and a variety of technologies in becoming responsible for their education
- Encourage students to demonstrate good citizenship and teamwork through respect, tolerance and cultural awareness.
SOAR High School is a high school designed to create the rigor, depth, and intensity of college work for students at an earlier age, and to inspire average, underachieving and underprepared high school students to work hard and stretch themselves intellectually.
Mission Statement
The primary mission of SOAR is to combine high school and college so that students complete their high school diploma within four (4) years and work toward their Associate degree within five (5) years and matriculate to a four (4) year institution.
A secondary goal is to help transform public education so that more students are able to access higher education and pursue their career goals.