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California Aerospace Technologies Institute of Excellence (CATIE)

Photo of Dr. Mohammad Mozumdar Dr. Mohammad Mozumdar

Mohammad Mozumdar joined the CSULB Electrical Engineering Department in August 2012. Before joining CSULB, he was a postdoctoral scholar in the Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences department at University of California, Berkeley for two and a half years. He received his Ph.D. in electronics and communication engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy; his M.Sc in software system engineering from Aachen Technical University in Germany; and his B.Sc in computer science and engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology. Dr. Mozumdar's novel ideas about model-based design for sensor networks made a profound impact on engineering and industrial communities and have been published in book chapters, journals, conference proceedings, major scientific magazines; and translated into several different languages. Dr. Mozumdar frequently contributes to the scientific community in his capacities as a reviewer, technical program committee member, and chairing sessions in international conferences and journals. Dr. Mozumdar’s research interests include methodologies and tools for embedded systems, especially in the domain of sensor networks; energy efficient building information and control system design; cyber physical systems; methodology for the design of distributed embedded systems typically subjected to high real time, safety and reliability constraints.