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Student Computer Loan Program

AVC's Student Computer Loan Program was established to support currently enrolled students who do not possess a computer for academic use. We provide loan options for Chromebooks and Wi-Fi hotspot devices.

How to Qualify: To qualify for the Student Computer Loan program, you must be an enrolled student with a minimum of three units or one class for Summer Semester and a minimum of six units or two classes for Spring and Fall Semesters.  This information is current as of Summer 2023.  These requirements may change for Fall 2023.

Applications for Fall 2023:  We are accepting applications for Fall 2023.  

Eligible Students will be notified by email and will be prompted to make an appointment to pick-up the requested device at a distribution location. 

Distribution Location:  Instructional Media Center (IMC), located on the first floor of the MH building (Mesquite Hall, formerly Business Education). The best way to enter the IMC is through the breezeway that is connected to the HUB (formerly The Learning Center). Please make note of the information in the email and on the appointment form as it tells you where to locate the IMC and what to bring with you.  Distribution is ongoing.

If you have questions, this program is now managed by Basic Needs.  They can be contacted at basicneeds@avc.edu.  

PLEASE NOTE:  Students not returning to campus, or who are no longer enrolled, please return your borrowed equipment during the following days/times, in the IMC:

Mon - Thurs: 8:00am to 4:00pm

Fri: 8:00am to 11:00am

We will need your student ID number to log your borrowed device as returned.

Please click the blue button below (which will take you to the AVC Basic Needs Google form for Fall 2023) to apply for the Student Computer Loan Program.  Please make sure you are logged into your myAVC account, in order to access the form.  You may submit the form more than once.

Click here to apply


Questions & Answers

To be eligible, you must be an enrolled student with a minimum of six units or two classes, during the Spring/Fall terms and a minimum of three units or one class, during the Summer term. Enrollment will be verified before you are notified with instructions on how to pick up a borrowed device.

No, you can apply directly. Click the link above and follow the directions. Please be sure to provide all information requested.

Devices are due back at the end of the term they are borrowed. If there still is a need for the following term, and the program is continued, an extension will be granted, as long as you meet the minimum requirements.

No, this is a loan of college equipment. When you pick up the device you’ll sign a form stating you accept the valuation of the computer as we’ve assessed it, and that you will return the device on or before the due date, in the same condition, or a hold will be placed on your account for the assessed value. We need these devices back to continue supporting students.

The Laptop to Learn program uses older refreshed computers and since this Computer Loan program has started there are no refreshed computers, therefore the program has been revamped into the new Computer Loan Program.