February 5, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
As a resource, below you will find a link to the California Department of Public Health Coronavirus website for you to share with your college community as you deem appropriate. We are aware that the current health risk related to the virus in California is low but still a matter of concern. We advise your executive and communications teams to monitor official public health sites, such as the California Department of Public Health, as will our office.
We hope you find this information useful. Should you have questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Vice Chancellor for Communications and Marketing Paul Feist at PFeist@cccco.edu or Director of Communications and Marketing Paige Marlatt Dorr at PDorr@cccco.edu.
Eloy Ortiz Oakley
Chancellor, California Community Colleges
Regent, University of California
1102 Q Street, Suite 4400
Sacramento, CA 95811-6549
Phone: 916.322.4005
Email: eoakley@cccco.edu
Twitter: @eloyoakley