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One Act Play Festival Script Competition


  • Submit a play focused on “FAMILY” and/or “FRIENDSHIPS” - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


  • Email information to jmacfie@avc.edu
  • Scripts must be submitted as a PDF attachment
  • Email must include:
    • Script Summary (no more than one page)
    • Character Description
    • Script
    • A maximum of two plays per playwright


  • Each script must fit within/relate to the theme
  • Character description for all main characters
  • Scripts should be 2–10 minutes in length
  • Standard play format


  • Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:59 pm
  • Priority will be given to local playwrights and the AVC community
  • *NOTE: We are not accepting scripts from playwrights that have been professionally published or produced.

A panel of Theatre Arts Department faculty and professionals will review and select plays.
For more detailed information, please contact Jane Macfie at jmacfie@avc.edu. We are excited to read your scripts and help your vision come to life on stage!