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COVID-19 Campus Guide for Employees


AVC Do Your Part Logo The health and safety of the entire AVC community is our top priority, guiding each decision we make about campus operations. The information in this COVID-19 Campus Guide will answer many questions about personal and shared responsibilities. We all need to DO OUR PART in keeping each other safe and healthy.

We will continue to make additions to the guide as health guidance from local, state, and federal authorities is updated. We urge all of you to review the COVID-19 Campus Guide for Employees in its entirety, then return to it as needed.

If you have questions after reading the guide, you may contact Human Resources at contacthr@avc.edu. Thank you for doing your part to protect yourself and others.


The purpose of this Guide is to provide an informative resource for AVC employees. The guide will provide cohesion and consistency in procedures and these guidelines should be reviewed regularly. This guidance entails the prevention measures the campus has put in place and what specific responsibilities shall be placed on the employees in order to ensure the safety of the entire campus community.

Campus Information

AVC is in alignment with local, state and federal orders.

The campus has included a series of personal and location-based protocols outlined in the subsequent sections. Documents to support departments and supervisors in managing their workspaces include:

For any questions or concerns, contacthr@avc.edu.

Personal Protocols

Please report all positive COVID-19 cases or symptoms to avc@pubseg.com.

All AVC employees must take a COVID-19 awareness training per California Department of Health and Cal/OSHA requirements. Please access the training course through Keenan Safe Schools at https://avc-keenan.safecolleges.com/login. The training assignment should be completed by all AVC employees.

Each employee must complete the Coronavirus Awareness Training online course and acknowledge they have reviewed the required protocols to work on campus.

Signs will be posted across campus as a reminder of best practices taught in the training. COVID-19 related information and changes to campus status will be communicated via the AVC website and through email.

The health and wellness protocols implemented are based on federal, state and local guidance.

  • Employees must not work on campus if they are sick.
  • Employees are required to conduct a self-screening as per the protocols below.
  • Face coverings are strongly recommended, especially in congested indoor areas.

If you have been exposed to COVID-19 it is important to note you may not become sick nor show symptoms. Symptoms vary with some people experiencing no or very mild symptoms while others experience very severe symptoms. These symptoms usually appear in 2-14 days after exposure and include:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fever greater than 100.4 F, or feeling feverish
  • Chills or repeated shaking with chills
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain or body aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Diarrhea
  • New loss of taste and/or smell

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, stay home. Contact avc@pubseg.com and your primary care provider to discuss next steps. COVID-19 Testing is available through the county and your healthcare provider. Additionally, tests are available on campus at the Facilities Services office.

Please remember that employee health issues are confidential. Employees and supervisors should reach out to avc@pubseg.com for guidance on responding to possible or confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Please complete the self-screening form before arriving at an AVC facility if any of the following apply to you:

1.    You have tested positive for COVID-19.

2.    You are currently under isolation or quarantine orders.

3.    You are experiencing any of the following new or worsening symptoms consistent with COVID-19: Fever of 100.4° or higher, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, runny nose or congestion, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, or new loss of taste or smell.

4.    You have recently been in the same indoor air space for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period with someone who had a lab-confirmed, positive case of COVID-19 or who was experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19 listed in the previous section.

The survey is a tool based on generally-available information related to the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is not intended to provide official medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. The information gathered through this tool is kept confidential and will only be viewed by the Contact Tracing team. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability.

Per CDC, individuals with certain conditions may have a higher risk for COVID-19 infection. Those conditions include: over 65 years of age, severe asthma, chronic lung disease, diabetes, serious heart conditions, chronic kidney disease being treated with dialysis, severe obesity, liver disease, pregnancy, and immunocompromised – HIV, AIDS, chemo-therapy patients, transplant recipients, on immune-suppressing medications, etc. If you think you are considered high risk and need assistance, please contact Human Resources to discuss what reasonable accommodations can be addressed.

Face coverings are strongly recommended for all personnel:

  • The purpose of face covering is to keep your respiratory droplets from spreading into other’s breathing zones. Face coverings are not considered personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Face coverings are provided to all employees upon request from Facilities Services by completing this request form.
  • Additional information about face coverings can be found at Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
  • If accommodations are required, please contact HR at contacthr@avc.edu.

The best way to prevent infection is to practice good hygiene. The main routes for a virus to enter your body are through eyes, nose, and mouth. Employees are encouraged to:

  • Wash your hands with soap often throughout the day for at least 20 seconds and/or use sanitizer often while on campus.
  • Avoid touching your face, whenever possible, especially with uncleaned hands. If you touch your face, wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • If handwashing facilities are not available, hand sanitizer with 60% or higher alcohol content is a good substitute. Make sure to continue to rub your hands on all surfaces, just as you would if washing, until the hand sanitizer has evaporated completely.
  • Avoid touching surfaces like door knobs and elevator buttons, whenever possible, with bare hands. Use a clean tissue, shirt sleeve, or your elbow.
  • If you cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow or cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. Tissues must be thrown in the trash, followed by hand washing.

At this time social and physical distancing is not a requirement. There are several exceptions that may apply:

  • Additional protective measures may be implemented, including the use of physical distancing and barriers to prevent transmission of disease. These exceptions will be accessed as necessary and communicated with the campus community. 
  • During an outbreak (3 or more employees in an exposed group), we are required to evaluate whether physical distancing or barriers are necessary to control the transmission of COVID-19.
  • Physical distancing and barriers must be used in a major outbreak (20 or more employees in an exposed group) for all employees.

We recognize that visitors, contractors, vendors and other non-AVC personnel may need to come to campus. Non-AVC-affiliated individuals coming to campus for essential work must abide by these visitor guidelines.

Location Based Protocols

Common areas include public corridors, lobbies, indoor seating areas, etc. It is important to be respectful of everyone’s space in common areas. Please adhere to the following guidance:

  • Wash your hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds. You may use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol as an alternative if handwashing is not available.
  • It is suggested that you disinfect common area phones or computers before and after use.

Barrier recommendations have been removed.

Occupancy limit recommendations have been removed.

Facilities Services provides cleaning services for the campus as required. Employees are encouraged to keep workspaces clean with additional cleaning and disinfection of high-touch areas in spaces near them. Supplies should be acquired from Facilities Services in order to ensure products meet EPA criteria for COVID-19 disinfection by completing this request form.

Entire buildings will not be shut down unless warranted. If you have any questions, concerns or comments related to campus cleanliness please submit a Facilities Work Request or contact HR at contacthr@avc.edu.

Spaces or areas of specific use; such as, offices, public areas, kitchens, breakrooms, the library, labs, common facilities, etc., are open.

Instructional Protocols

View the AVC Continuity of Instruction Plan for students and faculty in face-to-face courses who may be impacted by COVID infections.

There are multiple instructional delivery methods and modalities:

  • Live Online (OLI) - These are fully remote instruction lecture classes with specific days and times that will meet via Zoom or other electronic method (also known as synchronous distance education).
  • In Person Face-to-Face (F2F) - These are 100% face-to-face courses.
  • Online Distance Ed (DEd) - These are traditional online courses that typically list as "Online" on the schedule and are also known as Asynchronous Distance Education, where you work alone. There are no live meetings and you work entirely online and independently.
  • In Person Blended (BLE) - These classes will include in-person and online instruction. When not in the classroom, students will also learn and participate online.
  • Hybrid (HYB) - These classes have an in-person orientation and may also have in-person tests. All instruction will be held online.

IT Support Services available to employees at the following link: https://www.avc.edu/administration/its.
