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Enrolling in Courses Above 101 Level

Many students come to AVC with some knowledge of a foreign language from having studied it in high school or at another college, from having grown up in another country  (native speaker) or from having learned the language at home (heritage speaker).

While students can start over at 101, going into a higher level course means achieving a higher level of proficiency. Also, students who need a second semester of language can meet that requirement with just one course and may be able to complete their degrees, certificate and/or transfer requirements more quickly. For example, the University of California requires that students demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English. This requirement can be satisfied by completing a 102 level foreign language course; taking the 101 level is not necessary.

Students who took two years of a language in high school or one semester in college should enroll in the 102 level course. Students with three or more years in high school or two college semesters should enroll in the 201 level. Anyone who feels unsure of where he/she belongs should consult with faculty in that language.

Students with knowledge and/or prior coursework may be able to receive credit and satisfy foreign language requirements without taking courses. (See Credit for Prior Knowledge/Coursework).

To enroll in a foreign language course above the 101 level, students must show they meet the prerequisite, i.e., that they have the knowledge and skills of the previous level course. Students can show they meet the prerequisite by challenging the prerequisite.

Prerequisite Challenge

Students can enroll in a higher level course by documenting their knowledge through transcripts, test scores (e.g., Advanced Placement or the College Level Examination Program), letters of verification, reputable certificates or testimonials. . Information is available in the College Catalog (see Sources of Non-traditional Credit) and on the Counseling Department website:  Challenging course prerequisites. Some of these, such as AP and CLEP tests, also give students units on their AVC transcript and meet AVC graduation requirements. However, not all universities accept CLEP and/or AP exams, so students who plan to transfer should work with their counselor to make sure their transfer university will accept the units from non-traditional sources.

Spanish Speakers

Students who learned Spanish at home or while growing up in a Spanish-speaking country probably belong in SPAN 101HL -- Elementary Spanish for Heritage Learners I. Click the link below to read a Spanish text and some sample questions. Students who can easily understand the text and can easily understand and answer the questions (in Spanish, of course!), should enroll in SPAN 101HL rather than SPAN 101. Questions? Please contact Spanish Instructor Lucia Pozo, Office: APL 121G, Phone: 661.722.6300 ext 6242.

Native Speakers Transferring to a University

Students who received all or most of their pre-collegiate education in another country might not receive credit for elementary level courses in that language taken here in the U.S. Many universities give credit only for upper division courses (courses at the third year and fourth year level). However, some universities allow students to show documentation of their schoolwork and petition out of the requirement. Others allow students to test out of the foreign language requirement. Students fluent in another language who plan to transfer to a university that has a foreign language requirement should contact the admissions office of the university to which they plan to transfer to find out about alternative ways of satisfying the foreign language requirement.

Students Who Don’t Feel Ready for 102, but Need the Class

Some students pass their 101 level course, but don’t feel confident enough to go on to the next level. After all, language keeps building on prior knowledge and the 102 course assumes you know the material covered in 101. Students taking just one semester as a GE requirement can, of course, stop. But if you need the second semester to meet a foreign language requirement, you must go on. What to do? Students can sign up to audit the 101 level course with their instructor’s permission. (See Audit Policy in the College Catalog.) Auditing allows students to sit through the course again to learn the material. There is no record of it on the transcript nor are any units given. There is also no grade and no requirement to do homework or take tests. You can simply attend class in order to master the subject matter so that you’re ready for the next class.