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Mother earth

Geosciences - GEOG

Geosciences - GEOG

The Geosciences include the disciplines of Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Geology. These disciplines all explore Earth’s surface.

The study of geography prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions and gives them skills to understand the spatial relationships that surround them. Geographic skills complement many other academic fields. See GIS Certificate Program below. The field of geography explores spatial relationships and the patterns created by humans and the natural environment on Earth’s surface. All geography courses are transferable to CSU and UC institutions.

The GIS certificate program allows geography and other majors to transfer into four-year geography programs having completed a documented specialization in GIS that includes marketable job skills that can be used concurrently with the pursuit of advanced degrees. The GIS certificate program will benefit persons with previous training in a variety of fields by allowing them to gain new skills that can be applied in their place of employment. GIS is a multibillion-dollar industry employing hundreds of thousands worldwide in many fields, including Environmental Sciences and Protection, Regional and Urban Planning, and Transportation.

The study of geology prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions and gives them the skills to understand the chemical composition, age and varied landscapes of the earth as examined through investigation of rocks and minerals. The field of geology explores Earth’s geologic features and the processes responsible for their formation. All geology courses are transferable to CSU and UC institutions.