Counseling: Repeatable & Non-Repeatable Courses
Repeatable Courses
Certain specified courses may be repeated if they meet the required criteria set forth in Title 5 and have been reviewed and approved by the AP&P Committee. These repeatable courses are identified in the catalog and schedule by the symbol (R) and a number which represents the total number of times the course can be repeated, e.g.(R3) means the course may be taken for a total of four times.
Non-Repeatable Courses
If a student receives a substandard grade (“D”, “F”, or “NC”) in a non-repeatable course, he/she may repeat the course once. No approval is necessary to re-enroll for the first-time in a course in which a substandard grade was attained.
Subsequent Repeats
If a student receives a substandard grade in the same course after already attempting to repeat once, he/she may fill out a Petition for Extenuating Circumstances and submit it to Admissions and Records. A Director/Dean of Admissions and Records signature is required for approval to register for the class.
Further attempts also require an approval from the Director/Dean of Admissions and Records.