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Language Arts and Academic Development: Faculty & Staff

Deborah Charlie

year started at AVC

 1985-87 – Adjunct

1987-2012 – Fulltime

2012-present – Adjunct


schools attended and degrees received

 Eastern Michigan University (English/Drama/Speech)

UCLA (Classical Studies)

Cal State Northridge (English – Bachelor’s)

Cal State Northridge (English – Master’s)



academic interests, general teaching areas

 Academic interests:       Greek and Roman literature and art

                                          Women’s Studies

                                          Modern British literature


General teaching:          Composition



campus service

 Faculty Leadership: 

Co-chair – Intercultural and Women’s Studies Committee

Chair – Flex Committee

Interim Coordinator – Composition Program

Co-chair – Academic Policies & Procedures

Interim President – Academic Senate


A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.

Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941)