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Language Arts and Academic Development: Faculty & Staff

Wendy Rider

year started at AVC

adjunct since 2008

schools attended and degrees received

B.A. in Comparative Literature and M.A. in English from Brigham Young University

academic interests, general teaching areas

Composition and Rhetoric, Learning Assistance, British Romantic and Victorian literature, New Historicism, Women’s studies, Young Adult literature, Fantasy and Science Fiction

Mrs. Rider also works as an adjunct Learning Specialist in the AVC Writing Center. She received the 2014 Outstanding Adjunct Award.


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” –Aristotle

“For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort & quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die.” –Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

conference presentations

“Writing Center Pedagogy at Work,” NADE 2011

“Managing Writing Anxiety,” ACTLA 2014